Heat Inductor
Heat inductors are used in heavy and light duty trucks, trailers and construction equipment. With induction heat, you don’t have to protect fuel lines, which saves a lot of time and prevents damage. Using an induction heater instead of most torches is a safer and faster way to repair heavy duty equipment. Choose our eight piece heat inductor coil kit, packed in a robust case with coils from 15mm to 45mm. Check out our full selection of truck heat inductor parts in one of our many branches located across the country. Alternatively, give us a call on 01335470009, or, please contact sales@hgvdirect.co.uk.
HGV Heat Inductor
An HGV heat inductor is always designed to be robust, and our products at HGV direct certainly do not differ from this. When repairing heavy duty equipment, there are several hazards that can arise. Choosing the correct and safe equipment is therefore of vital importance. Purchasing an HGV heat inductor allows for a safer and smoother application. Browse online today or visit one of our branches to view our entire range. With our driven team of customer service assistants, HGV direct is proud of the assistance we offer. Should you require this, contact our team of experts today to discuss HGV heat inductors, or any other queries you may have.